Testimonial Video StoryTelling for Drug Court

Testimonial Video Storytelling for Drug Court Introduction to a Testimonial Video  Testimonial video storytelling was the compelling method we utilized to communicate this inspiring story about a court that refuses to give up on people suffering from drug addition.  Rather than sending people to jail, this court takes a redemptive approach that identifies the underlying […]

Affordable Testimonial Brand Video for the NCEO

Needing an affordable testimonial brand video? You have come to the right video production company. We have developed a process that gives individuals that are making a positive impact in the world a high quality video at a price that they can afford. Barking Squirrel Media is a video production company that produces a wide […]

Junior Achievement Inspire to Hire Sizzle Reel

Junior Achievement Inspire to Hire Sizzle Reel We love supporting Junior Achievement and Supply Chain OKI by producing this sizzle reel of the JA Inspire to Hire Event. Both organizations are committed to helping teenagers find meaningful careers in our community. Barking Squirrel Media specializes in telling the stories of organizations that make a position […]

Pathway to Hope: 4 Stories of Pregnancy

Pathway to Hope: 4 Stories of Pregnancy Goal: To tell the authentic stories of unexpected pregnancies from the prospective of moms and dads. This series of short films tell the stories of Anita, Jessica, Sarah, and Tyler whose lives were profoundly transformed through the love, compassion, and services of Pathway to Hope. These are the […]

Pones: The Transformative Power of Dance

Pones: The Transformative Power of Dance Client: Pones Design: BLDG Creative/Production: Barking Squirrel Media Pones launched a new brand in 2020. With collaboration with BLDG design, Barking Squirrel Media created a film detailing the main pillars of Pones in a fun, color-filled way. Director: Christine Marque Producer: Christine Marque Director of Photography: Dan Marque 1st […]

Humorous University Video: Director’s Cut

The Survival Guide to Creating a Portfolio We are thrilled to produce this humorous university video for Miami University’s Art Department. We specialize in taking large volumes of information and creating a concept that will bring it to life. We then write highly engaging and funny script that will engage a young target audience and […]

Ty’Ron Little Story: Junior Achievement

Junior Achievement Cincinnati: Ty’Ron Little Story Client:  Junior Achievement Cincinnati Creative/Production: Barking Squirrel Media This short film tells the story of how JA Cincinnati transformed Ty’Ron Little’s life and set him on a path to a brilliant future. The film was designed to demonstrate how Junior Achievement empowers young people to own their economic success. […]

Engaging Corporate Videos: The DCCH Story

Our Future is in Your Hands: DCCH Campaign Engaging Corporate Videos Tell a Story One of the best ideas for engaging corporate videos is to tell a story about how your company is making a positive impact in real people’s lives. We all love an inspiring story. Don’t be afraid to include the conflicts and […]

Women Helping Women Story

Women Helping Women: A Day in the Life of an Advocate Client: Women Helping Women Creative/Production: Barking Squirrel Media Every year, Women Helping Women hosts a fundraiser to raise funds for a certain program. This video was created to show the hectic schedule of an advocate and the dire need for more prevention. We worked […]

Northern Kentucky Community Action Commission

NKCAC: Dixie’s Story Filming for the organization NKCAC (Northern Kentucky Community Action Commission) provided an opportunity to share the poignant story of Dixie, a resilient woman facing adversity while seeking support for herself and her child. Through our lens, we captured the profound impact of NKCAC’s services, showcasing how they provided a lifeline during challenging […]